The Curious Dog

Sweet Société

Embrace Skin & Beauty

Academy Gold Cinema

Hit The Colombo for some great things to do these school holidays

Oh no! The storm has arrived just in time for the holidays! Well, fear not, The Colombo has some cool things going on to save your family from cabin fever.

Food for everyone

Dad likes dumplings, Mum’s more of a smoothie savant, the kids are crawling for something sweet but need to eat a sandwich or a salad first. Meanwhile, the grandparents want to wander off and do their own thing at a café. Good news: you can grab a bit of all of this and more at The Colombo, then eat together at our large tables while pondering your next move.

Get curious with a book

PSA: The Colombo Bookstore has now officially changed name to The Curious Dog Bookshop! This local and independent bookstore has a great range of children’s books on the shelves.

The Playroom

Packing toys of all sizes, books and activities, this is the place to bring restless kids for a play break between shopping missions. Sit and take five while the wee ones burn off some steam and exercise their creativity.

Movie time

One for the older kids – check the list of flicks showing at Academy Gold Cinemas. Our picks are the high-octane Top Gun: Maverick and glam-fest Elvis. Prop tip: get in on Cheep Tuesday for $12 tickets.

Family shopping

Since you’ve got the kids at home, may as well take the opportunity to restock their wardrobes. Your first stops should be Collective and Dimples, or PW Dance & Sportswear for active kids (PW is running its mid-year sale through the holidays).

Mummy and daddy time

Maybe it’s time to leave the kids with a babysitter and have some away time. Get a couple’s mani at Colombo Nails & Beauty, a facial at Embrace Skin & Beauty, or a whole new hair situation at BLACK or Vivo.